Can someone be active on facebook but not messenger

Why does Facebook Messenger say I’m active when I’m not …

22.04.2016 — Yes absolutely. Someone can be active on Messenger forever, essentially. They can stay online for years if they wanted to. This happens when someone has their …

Does Facebook Messenger Show Active When You’re Not?

Does Facebook Messenger Show Active When You’re Not? | ITGeared

Yes, it does. Even though Facebook and Facebook Messenger are different platforms, someone can assume you are active on Facebook Messenger by seeing the green …

Wondering if your friends can see when you’re online even if you’re not active on Facebook? Here’s the answer.

How Active Status works on Messenger – Facebook

Sådan fungerer Aktiv-status på Messenger | Hjælp til Messenger

Active Status shows your friends and connections when you’re active or recently active on Facebook or Messenger.

Aktiv-status viser dine venner og kontakter, når du er eller for nylig har været aktiv på Facebook eller Messenger.

He says he is taking a nap but Facebook Messenger say …

Facebook Messenger statuses aren’t accurate. … where someone will show Active for hours after closing Facebook, even if they’re not using …

3 Quick Ways to Tell If Someone Is on Messenger or Facebook

24.10.2022 — If there is no green dot next to their profile picture, they might be offline or have not logged into Facebook recently. Facebook active status.

As a parent, keeping track of your kids’ online activity is important. Here’s a quick guide to tell if someone is on Facebook Messenger or the Facebook app.

Can you tell if someone is checking your messenger?

Can someone be active on Messenger and not be on it? … Yes, it does. Even though Facebook and Facebook Messenger are different platforms, someone can assume you …

A filled-in blue circle next to your message means that your message was delivered. And, when a friend has read your message, a small version of your friend’s

Does Facebook Messenger Show Active When You’re Not?

Does Facebook Messenger Show Active When You’re Not? – Vergizmo

28.01.2023 — You can be active on Facebook, but not Messenger. You can open the Facebook App and scroll through your feed without needing to open Messenger.

Does Facebook Messenger show active when you’re not?

Does Facebook Messenger show active when you’re not? – Famuse : #1 Models, Actors, Agencies, Photographers & Talents Booking Platform

Why does Facebook Messenger say I’m active when I’m not using Messenger? When you let the Facebook Messenger app run the background, your status will still …

Why does Facebook Messenger say I’m active when I’m not using Messenger? When you let the Facebook Messenger app run the background, your status will

Keywords: can someone be active on facebook but not messenger